Thursday, August 27, 2009


I use the web everyday for a variety of things. When I wake up in the morning I check my e-mail and the weather. I use the web to get dates/times for events as well as directions to these events. I also use it for school related purposes that require me to obtain blogs, check my syllabus, or research online. It allows me to keep in touch with family and friends who are scattered in areas other than Morgantown. I shop, pay bills, and look up recipes online. I use the web to stay updated on news and music, and obviously for entertainment. Sites I visit most often are our WVU sites,, MUB/Comcast/Allegheny/Verizon, Google, Youtube, Pandora, Food Network, Facebook/Myspace, ESPN, and various shopping sites.

I don't have a webpage and this is my second blog that I have kept for school purposes. I use AIM, Skype, Facebook, and Myspace to keep in touch with friends and family on a daily, if not weekly, basis. On average I probably spend about 1-2 hours a day actually sitting infront of my computer or surfing the web, and a couple more hours just leaving Pandora up to listen to music. As for writing on the web, I'm pretty contained to just writing on Facebook, Myspace, AIM, and now this blog.

Web and computer skills I have include Microsoft office programs, and an introduction to Adobe Dreamweaver in constructing a personal website in my English 304 class during my Fall semester 08.

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