Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Research Proposal

My research proposal is going to take another look at the idea of authorship in multimedia writing. The webpages I've bookmarked grow based solely on participation from its visitors. These websites allow anyone who visits the site to post information, music, or pictures. The sites I am looking at to support my research are the following:


These types of sites all have one thing in common, they allow their audience to participate in originating the site. I think these web pages will provide an interesting relation to the idea of authorship in multimedia. When I think about authorship, two things come to mind, origin of an idea and execution of that idea. The sites listed above originate from one person's idea , and are then sculpted by the input of possibly millions of people. There is a very loose idea of authorship in these sites because anyone can put their own spin on the original thought. For example, Pandora allows a user to type in an artist and takes a "sounds like" approach to forming a radio station. Datpiff works similarly by allowing visitors to form their own CD playlists using songs from musicians and writing it off as their mixtape. The ideas behind TEXTS, FML, ad Youtube share the fact that it started with a broad idea, (EXA: post your texts from last night) and turned into whatever the "authors" of the site made it. Urban dictionary is another good example of visitors being able to 'define' a word in terms of how that word plays a role in their life, majority of the time they're slang. These sites I feel add to the idea of authorship, and support why I don't feel like remixing an original thought should be considered plagiarizing. They show how personal additions to a standing idea can be beneficial. Questions to ask based on my topic that would be good to research concern what the idea of multimedia authorhip really is:

-Are contributions to these sites mostly anonymous?
-Is money being made off of anything posted to these sites?
-Why do these sites exist?
-Is there room for plagiarism?
-Is there research done on these sites? What do they say about the posts made?


1.Urban Dictionary: http://www.urbandictionary.com/. September 8th, 2009.
2.Dat Piff: http://datpiff.com. September 8th, 2009.
3.F My Life: http://fml.com. September 1st, 2009.
4.Texts from Last Night: http://textsfromlastnight.com. September 8th, 2009.
5.Writings on the Stall: http://writingsonthestall.com. September 9th, 2009.
6.Pandora: http://pandora.com. September 3rd, 2009.


Sara said...

The thought that you have written here that seems to me to stick out the most is your assertion that authorship deals with the origin and execution of an idea. I feel like this assertion pretty much sums up the classes collective look at authorship. For any author there is a source of influence and a portrayal of that influence in a new way. I feel like your topic will definitely exemplify this ideal.

jsuder1 said...

Your idea of authorship with these sites and, even though ideas come from others, how plagiarism should not be considered when it comes to the remixing on these site could create a very compelling research. I like the ideas, and have seen many of these sites. I agree with your outlook on remixing, and feel you will make a very good point within your research project.