Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Google Slideshow Link

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nicole z said...

I really like your topic, Danielle. I think that you should add some of your own assertions about the topic in your presentation. For example, the fact that TFLN is making money off of visitors work shows that writing on the web rarely gains profit from original ideas but from re-workings of an original idea and/or the collaboration of "authors."

The images in your presentation, though, are a good representation of the message you are trying to get across. When you mention turning parts of a website into merchandise, you gave the picture of the mug ad tshirt that had quotes from TFLN on them. Without these pictures someone might not fully understand what your statement meant, so good job with that.

i think that your topic is most related to remix culture and social media. For example, like what we talked about today in class, people are using these sites for free, yet the site is still making money.

i think your topic is great, and i am curious to see where you go with it. As of right now though i would really like to see you become more specific about the topic and address your own personal assertions, let us hear YOUR voice.

Amanda Berardi said...

I think that your topic is very clear from the start. I like the way that you state your topic early in the presentation. I feel that you could include more of your own theories and assertions about your topic. It is clear what your research is focusing on, but i am not sure what it is about these sites that you are researching.

Your slides are well structured and stick to the four topics your mention in your introduction.