Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bergamo ROUGH draft essay



All The Dull Moments said...

My overall impressions of you essay are that you have really taken time to think through how you want to convey your idea to an audience. You mix the old with the new that that users can see the transition from "paper" to "wireless." This old to new combination helps the reader see how technology has grown and then it is easy to see how it has effected writing and therefore authorship.

Something I would add would be a little more explanation on how a user name and password on the Internet is "anonymous." Maybe a definition of what goes into a user name or how it is displayed so that it is anonymous. Maybe add in that people do not need to give they name in order to create a user name on a site like Urban Dictionary, which means there cannot be any direct connection made back to the author. I think it would also be interesting to add in what the site Terms and Policies are about who owns the information on the site. Then you can say that although individual authoring has diminished do to context meaning more then author, but there is still some need for ownership, which may or may not cause problems or even matter.

good work

Caitlin Lewis said...


my first impression of your paper was that you have a strong topic - but I can see that it is still as you said "a very rough draft" which is fine, so was mine!

I think that you know what you would like to say and the point you are trying to get across, it is obvious that you still need to add some facts and citations in, as you stated.

As far as adding information from class lectures, I would take a look at the google docs we viewed in class about remix culture, and see what you can pull from there to add a different source of facts than dictionaries.

Where you begin to discuss text blogging is a little bit confusing, I might give it an introduction rather than dive right into a new topic, provide the reader with some background information.

So far, great start!! with some tweeking I think you will have a great paper!

Lynn said...

I love the topic you are writing about and I think it is a very creative approach at looking at Multimedia authorship. After reading your essay I saw that you made some very good claims about remixing the old with the new. You have many great claims all throughout the paper but they seem a little scattered. I know that this was only a roguht draft and the most important thing is to at least get your ideas down on paper, which I can see you did, but once you go back and revise I would suggest working on organizationa, because you have alot of great points but they seem out of context. For example, you want to explain Webster's Dictionary and explain how Urban Dictionary is kind of the new "dictionary", well I would suggest talking about Webter's dictionary and then dicretly following that by explaining Urban Dictionary, rather than go on to talk about text message. With each orignial form of communication you address you should directly address the newer form. This way your paper flows together and like ideas are presented together. Other than working on your organization, I feel you have great claims, jsut don't forget to use actually examples of the websites and be sure to reference them within the essay. Good Job so far